Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walking and Talking

I had lunch with one of my friends this week and she'd brought along one of her own . The conversation went from polite and friendly to absolutely horrid. Now two years ago I would've joined in gladly and probably would've enjoyed every moment of it. However in the last two years God has done alot of work in me, so much in fact I'm surprised he got around to anybody else.

What shocked me the most was that my friend has been in church her entire life, and knows what the bible says about being impure or setting our sights on things of this world. Yet I was the one who was OUT OF PLACE, and very aware of how much the conversation made me feel uncomfortable. They proceeded to give juicy details of their many extravagant experiences with men, and yet I was not provoked to join in. Don't misunderstand I do not do everything right, and I am saddened to say that I do have experience in that area. And yet I was absolutely like a fish out of water in the mist of the conversations surrounding me.

I don't think that I was every so aware of the exact word of God against the very subject they had delighted themselves in talking about. I secretly prayed that he would give me a way to swing the conversation my way without having to become the wet blanket. Almost instantly they began talking about the twilight series and how they longed for a romance like that. I was very quick to point out that they both could have one as long as they were willing to delete sex from the equation of their relationships.
They both looked at me like I had just spoken martian or something and began to laugh. and reply well never mind. I then said well you know what the bible says, not even a hint of immorality between you. they gave me the martian look again,and quickly made excuses to leave.

I left that day thinking of a particular verse: Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Thank God for allowing me to be so lost in love with him that I have become the alien that he wants me to be.

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