Sunday, October 18, 2009

3 shot dot!

Today was just another example of how God moves and works in each of our lives everyday.

As i've posted before myself and my mother are having some health issues and I'm terribly frightened as is she.

yet in the mist of my storm once again God has chosen to show me that there is nothing he can't do for his children when they are obident.

As I've posted several times before I had a dispute with another person. and I've yet to use her name on here but today I feel like it's time to stop using "her" in place of her name, but im only putting initals. KD and i haven't exactly been having slumber parties to gush our secrets lately. I take all the blame for that entirely. I demolished that relationship right by myself didn't require any help from anyone.

It was easy at first to pour all my energy into trying to hate her and it seemed to work until I started writing this blog. And I realized that she was the first person I wanted to call. I was so excited to tell her about the work that God had been doing in me over the course of hte past 6 months. Then it occured to me that I couldn't call her and immediatley my heart was shattered instantly. But in all fairness I had no one to blame but myself as I said earlier I demolished that bridge myself.

yet I felt an ache in a place that had long been forgotten or at least had been attempted ot forget. I could no longer ignore the fact that it did matter to me if she was part of my life or not. So I bite the bullet and went to face her, well technically i cheated on that part because as she said herself i'm not the most approachable person in the world. Which is totally not true there really isnt anything that i would tell her. But never the less I sent the email and hoped for the best and I got no response.

Being the merciful and giving God that he is. He showed me that he had heard my endless prayers because the week my world crashed down on me. He decided that it was time to let me see a glimmer of hope with a light tap on my shoulder and a piece of paper no bigger than a wallet size picture lifted my mood.

And then today through circumstances that I'd rather not be in at all God gave me yet another opportunity to speak with KD and in a way it allowed us to clear the air a little more.

Believe it or not when I thought that my god had not only forgotten his child but was actually punishing his child. He showed me that he had heard exactly what I asked for alone in my closet. aNd as long as I was obident and faithful he would give me the desires of my heart.

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