Monday, October 19, 2009

Fainting flaw

Fainting seems to be my area of too much experience lately. Today I did it again. Can not believe that it happened again. Once again I end up on the floor with an entire classroom of people collectively watching my every move which makes the situation worse.

I have been told that I wasn't breathing but I seriously doubt that I stopped breathing. I remember it being difficult to breathe but other than that im kinda drawing a blank.

once again it was J.W.M. to the rescue and back to my comfortable bed which happens to be a blue mat in her office. With jackets being my pillow and blankets. Slept from about 10 something to 1 something. I felt immediately better.

Apparently I'm still moving too much or going to much or doing to much, because my body seems to be constantly telling me to stop or slow down. And when I dont comply it shuts down for me.

Its the oddest feeling in the world when I wake up it's almost like I have completely forgotten where I was. The episode today was stronger than one I've ever had it was faster and didn't give me the time to literally talk myself out of the panic before my entire body just shut off. Next thing I know I'm on the floor in somebody's lap and another person is fanning me and somebody else is calling J.W.M. to come in there. poor J she never gets to teach her classes.... lol...

Psalms 46:10: Be still and know that I am God.