Monday, August 31, 2009

Speeding up

We've all had those days.. you know the ones where your running late and things just dont go smoothly... everything goes wrong..

In the mist of this I have to wonder where is my God?

I ask myself that question at least a hundred times a day. As silly as it seems it's still a revelant question.
We sometimes forget that he works things out in his time phase not our own.

Eventhough my morning didn't go exactly as I wanted it to, I have a circle that is forever spinning around me. I passed aunt debbie at the red light this morning and called her immediatlely. She knew that my day was running slower than usual and reminded me that if I was flying and got a speeding ticket it wasn't going to make my day any better. She always knows just what to say to calm me.

Then my Joy came to the rescue like the spirtual woman of faith that she is. She let me vent and get my frustration out. She of course asked about the blog and the book. Which immediately floored me bcause I had not asked Daddy what the blog was going to be about today.

Somewhere in the middle of posting this the entire outlook of this blog changed. I started out talking about timing and ended up talking about people. God has blessed me so abundantly with the people he has brought into my life. It's amazing that they all still have their own hair and don't need a dye job every two weeks.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
I have an entire circle of people who love me unconditionally and I don't deserve any of them but for some reason God has seen fit to send them to me. I am amazed at the love he outpours onto me everyday, even when I don't realize it.

For today I want yall to really think about the people who really mean alot to you and remind them of that.


Friday, August 28, 2009


Yall all know that I'm in college, and the work load that implies by it's self.
For service learning I am going to Aunt debbie's room and helping with her math lesson and even doing a few spelling tests.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:1-4

I thought that I would dread going to a classroom with twenty something second graders all in an uproar because I have disrupted their "normal" routine. Yet after the first five minutes I knew all their names and was completely in love with them. I completely lost track of time and before I knew it it was time for them to go to lunch and time for me to go home.

I find myself in a wierd spot now. I thin I oculd do this everyday yet I don't know what God thinks of it. I love helping these kids and I don't konw what I'm going to do. Please pray that I figure out what to do.


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Apparently there is something in the water. Everywhere I turn someone else is getting married, or expecting a child and not necessarily in that order. I realize that as a christian I a designed and determined to wait for God's best for me.

At the same time though it's hard to remind yourself of that ultimate gift when everything around you is screaming where is mine. It becomes exhausting trying to put on a brave front when inside your screaming. I had to make like four phone calls and countless face to face breakdowns just to re-adjust myself to be comfortable with knowing that ultimatley it's going to all work out in the end.

I have to wonder though how did I so quickly forget that Daddy(that's what I call God so bear with me) was still in control and he still has the best waiting for his princess.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18;Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by dayFor our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

How quickly I had lost heart and how ready I was to just marry the first guy that asked and not only that just stop writing on this blog. All because the delights of my heart were not being answered when i wanted them too, and i'd offened people with this blog.

I wanted today more than anything for God to show me that there was still some hope. And my Dear Friend Amanda Ely was there as a beacon of light this morning to show me God throughly equips and is still in control. She too is a single college girl and Jesus dwells within her. It's not even a question I have to ask. I am thankful today that he surrounded me with women like Amanda and Joy who are such godly women and they listen to me vent and reassure and are ready with scriputre on the mind, and encourge when all hope seems lost.

My circle seems to be expanding and I love him for that. His love is new in me everyday and still suprises me. I could write a hundred lines more but I need to do lots of homework.

The thought for today:We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

I will rest in the knowledge that Daddy is in control and I am on the waiting list!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The right stuff

As you can all tell I did not post yesterday. God threw me a curve ball and in my arrogance I doubted him. My dearest family memeber has just discovered that she is pregnant and we're only nineteen.

That wasn't what upset me ironically when it should've. I let myself for a moment panic.
On no everybody around me is pregnant and married. Maybe I just need to buy a tombstone and label it spinster now. I know a little dramatic but that's me.

Psalms 37:4 ; Delight yourself in the lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.

I'm laughing now at how silly I was. Running around crying where is mine where is mine?
He has taken care of me for nineteen years why would he desert me now.

Today I'm going to talk about attitude. I have one you have one we all have one. But what we forget is that sometimes we are the only bibles' some people will ever read. So we have to show that Jesus dwells inside us at all times. Even when we're running late and kids are moving slower than we need them too. Or your almost finished with a paper and the electricity goes out before you can save( which has happened before) and then the words and actions you exhibt are not the ones you would if Jesus was in the room.
I have to remind myself all the time that i am not the general manager of the Universe and somethings are just out of my control. Yet when I give it to the one who is in control everything just falls into place. It never ceases to amaze me that he has absolutly everything under control and knows what the next step in my life is before I'm even near it.

The thought I'm leaving you with today is a verse that is taped on my bathroom mirror:
For Peace of mind resign as general manager of the universe.
Psalms 46:10; Cease striving and know that I am God.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Letting Go

This morning I had resigned myself to the assumption that I did't have anything to write about. Yet again God revealed to me that he would equip me to do his work, and he would finish what he started in me.

It's so hard to move forward isnt it? We all carry our sins with us. (Myself included) We cannot follow Jesus entirely if we are literally driving in reverse. What I mean by that is we hold on to our sin and often by doing that we are telling God that we are not worthy and our sin is our own. We are so busy looking back at our past mistakes that we hit something head on. As christains we dwell on the things that we've done wrong instead of looking forward at the work God could be doing right now. I'm as guilty of this as anybody is. I often sit and think God I've done so much wrong you couldn't possibly use me now. As gently as father can say, I don't know what your talking about.

Isaiah 43:18-19 says,; "Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not percieve it? I am mkng a way i the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Our God is so mercifull that the moment we confess our sins it's gone. He doesn't hold it over our heads. We place ourselves in bondage when we hold sin to ourselves.

Part of Following Jesus is letting go of our sin. Please pray that I can remember this myself.

I love you,

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Forgiveness isn't a power.

Contrary to what you may think. There are times when things aren't going to work out. There will be times when it's hard and it hurts in places you didn't know you had. I'm not talking about boys.(for once) I'm talking about women.

Some of my biggest and most painful heartbreaks have been not from men but women that at one point in time or another I was so close to that my inner most private thoughts and fears were shared with. These wounds have lasted longer than a one any man ever infilicted upon me.

This is probably the only time that I won't give you a real life situation to go along with the point I'm making. Only because this cuts a little deeper and hurts me a little more than it should. I'm sure it will stirke a cord with some of you to.

Girls talk to girl it's a universal rule. We've been gabbing with one another since birth. We also are vicious and just down right mean to one another. Then when the feud is over we keep the fire going by outright refusing to forgive. We levarage forgiveness a weapon and use it to get what we desire and only when we seek to gain more than we already have.

What if Jesus was that way with us. What if he decided that everytime we sinned he would hold out on his forgiveness after we'd come before him and admitted the sin. How would you like it if our father decided that we were not worthy of his forgiveness and didn't give it to us until he'd gotten what he wanted. Doesn't sound really appealing does it?

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

As women we do this, and I'm guilty of it just as we are most certainly are. It's so much easier to just say I'm sorry than it is to ask do you forgive me. It's much harder to forgive ourselves than to forgive someone else. Remember that the next time you fight with someone.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ye of little faith let me show you how God moves the Mountains

Yesterday when I first wrote on this blog i must admit I was shaking just as I am now. Thought that I believed %100 what I'd wrote. however through God's amazingness he showed me that I didn't completely trust in him entirely to give me the desires of my heart. So yesterday afternoon he restored me entirely and now I have given him every need that I have.

Before I begin the story of my wonderful divine appointment let me give you the bible part that goes along with it. Matthew 6:25-33; Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

On the way home from school while I was battling with myself for having the nerve to tell you all something that I was struggling with myself. I was so preoccupied that I didn't pay attention to the gas hand which had trickled on down to below E, and the moment i noticed the car came to an abrupt stop. I put my head on the sterring wheel and said this is just what i need Lord. To run out of gas when I might have $0.50 in my wallet, why did you let me run out of gas. Now in case yall don't remember we live in Georgia and during the months of June- October the humidity is such that you can literally wring the water out of your hair, and the heat index is about 103 degrees, so I was not a happy camper. In the mist of my frustration I prayed silently God you are bringing me some gas or I will sit here until somebody comes for me. I sat there for about 15 minutes and about 20 cars rode by and nobody stopped. When I was just about to start sweating like a pig a green truck pulled up beside me and rolled down the window.(thankyou god) He asked if I was ok as most men would and a little embarassed I stated that I had run out of gas, chuckling he said I can take you to get some gas. Even more embarassed I stated, Well that would be great except I have literally no money. Still smiling he said I can get you some gas that's not a problem either. Since I had literally never laid eyes on this man before in my life I was a litte hesitant, and I just simply stated that I appreciated it but I couldn't let him do that. He looked at me and said where I live we dont leave pretty girls on the side of the road, we can do this one of two ways you can come with me and get some gas or I can sit here with you until somebody comes and gets you and I see that your safe. Needless to say I went with him to get some gas but being a smart girl I text my preachers wife to let her know where I was, who I was with, and what had happened. Just in case this very sweet man decided to ax murder me.( it wasnt funny at the time but it is now) Without missing a beat he looked over to me and said you don't have to worry I'm not going to hurt you. And i believed him everybit. He told his name was Mark*, and he drove to several stores to find a gas tank, filled the gas tanks, made me sit in his car while he put the gas into my car then proceeded to give me additional money so that when I got home I could put more fuel in the car. He shook my hand and I thanked him many times over and he said it was a pleasure to meet you eventhough i'd rather it been undermore pleasant circumstances. (yall know I gave him my phone number so theres no need to write it)

I am still in utter amazement of just how kind this complete stranger was to me. I'd asked God to provide for me and he overwhelmed me and overexceeded my expectations. And in the process showed me that there are still Godly men and I have the one for you. I have not forgotten about the desires of you heart I put them there. And it gave me something else to write about today.

My faith was so little that God sent a precious gift to remind me of the big picture. If I hadnt run out of gas, had my normal crisis callers not been busy, then I wouldn't have had to just say you provide it for me Lord. I'm humbled in a way that I've never been before. For a fleeting moment I forgot He knows me inside and out, which only gave him the compassion to gently remind his daughter. Proverbs 3:5; Trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understandings in all your way acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Must go now I'm getting teary eyed.

Never forget the you are priceless to our father King Jesus.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Timing is everything

Psalms 37:7 Delight yourself in the lord and wait for his perfect timing.

Yes we've all been there. We wait for the perfect guy to ask us on a perfect date and then when he doesn't we say yes to the first thing male that moves. I'm speaking from personal experience girls been there, done that, got the tee-shirt and sent it back because it didnt' fit.

What we seem to forget,myself included, is that God has made the perfect man for each of us. I'm talking on day 7 when he rested from creating the beautiful world that we live in he shapped each of our spouses. I'm not dawging you out if you think and have PRAYED about the man you are currently with and you believe that is the one God made for you. What I am stating very inarticulately is that there is a definitave difference between something that's good and the best that God intends.

Are you with me so far?

I know that we are all in a rush to find a man keep a man and marry a man. It's been programmed in us since day one. But girls let's be honest would you rather have a steak or a hamburger? I know yall are thinking why is she talking about food, I thought we were talking about men. In this scenero a steak would be God's best the one that he created for you, and a hamburger would be not necesarily a bad man in fact he would probably be could probably the best you've ever had. (Stay with me here) The good is going to have BIG NEON SIGNS this is comfortable and I really like him. Your going to be so distracted by the good that you will miss the best.

How do you know if it is the best. First things first we all have to get on the same page. From now on I want you to pray fervently( which means without ceasing) for your future husbands. I also want you to pray that God will show you not the desires of your own heart, but HIS desires for your heart. If you ask he shall give it to you, most assuridly that is a promise from our father in Psalms 37:4.(look up that verse)

Ladies I'm going to let you ponder on what I've just joyfully unloaded on you, mostly because I have to go back to class.

Let me leave you with a final thought. If you forget everything else never forget just how priceless you are to your father King Jesus.


Yes this is one of those blogs. Yet another christian blog. However don't write me off so easily. I'm not your typical christian girl. I wasn't rasied in the church and have stumbled alot, and even fallen flat on my face a few times if the truth be known. I'm 19, single and obviously christian. But I'm not the type that tiptoes around feeling and I don't say things the way most people do. I tell it like it is and over however long the lord let's me do this you'll see that. If you don't like what you read tell me and if you do like what you read tell me.